Bye Bye WebROaR
Posted by Aditya on Wed, 2010-03-31 16:14 in
I quit my job last week, and probably the hardest thing it brought along for me, was to move out of one of my most favorite projects - WebROaR.
I got an opportunity to create this product from scratch, and boy it was fun. The initial version came out of 3 long nights of me hacking in office and once we got a team going for its development, it turned out to be a decent piece of software. (Yeah, I am biased .. :-))
Dharmarth, Nikunj & Ashish were literally awesome and I was really lucky to be a part of this fantastic team. Guys, you rock!
So, what next? Well I am planning to dabble in my own startup. It had to come at some point in my life, and am happy I have finally taken the leap. Let's see how it goes. :-)
It was a very good experience to work with you Aditya! With you in the team, every little achievement has given me a great sense of accomplishment. Your key inputs and efforts have given good push to the product to reach here. Thanks a lot for everything.
Wish you a whole lot of success in whatever you do.
In the beginning of my career it was just great to be a part of this project and the team.
You were always a great inspiration and a great mentor. And, both Dharmarth and Nikunj are exceptionally smart people and wonderful team mates. The whole time with the WebROaR team was great and I would cherish it throughout my life.
Wishing you all the very best for your future endeavors:)